Friday, May 4, 2012

This Red Tailed Hawk was well aware of my presence, but I wonder how many of us are aware of theirs.  As I stroll the beaches this spring and see the hideous amount of trash left behind by beach goers on the hot days we've had I'm really sickened. 

Ignorance fused with laziness and unhealthy lifestyles is a deadly combination for our beaches.  I'm tired of seeing beer cans, solo cups, Dunkin Donut Styrofoam cups, and bags of McDonald's trash strewn about our beautiful landscape. 

If you see someone littering don't be shy, get right up in their face and stand up for the friend that can't speak for itself.  It's time these lazy cowards be put in their place!  If we keep trashing our natural surroundings, sightings like this will become few and far between.